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Moi, Ampad

  • Ampad Embiem
  • Ampad Embiem, je ne suis la qu'un jour sur deux, mais je le vis plutot bien
  • Ampad Embiem, je ne suis la qu'un jour sur deux, mais je le vis plutot bien

Archangelism scientifiq

" (...) proche le moment ou, par un processus de caractere paranoiaque et actif de la pensee, il sera possible (simultanement a l'automatisme et autres etats passifs) de systematiser la confusion et de contribuer au discredit total du monde de la realite. " Salvador Dali, Minotaure No1, 1933.

Un tres beau site sur DALI



Bienvenue a tout nouveau visiteur

Ce blog créé il y a un peu plus de 2 ans maintenant de l'association uniq de la surprise et du tant attendu, restitue intactes les bribes

de restes d'authentiques retrouvés ici ou la, de ce que les littérateurs et créateurs de ce monde, ont contribué,

avant nous déja, est-ce a dire et, encore aujourd'hui, a élaborer le Beau pour qu'il vienne jusqu'a nous

dans l'état merveilleux ou nous avons le bonheur de le trouver pour tenter d'y toucher.

J'ai pour but ici et ailleurs, Ici Et Maintenant, dans cet IEM permanent et constant d'instabilité, de le propager, de l'expérimenter, de le faire travailler, de le dédoubler, de le transposer et de le faire permuter avec ses doubles et avec ses moitiés, de le mettre tour a tour en exergue, en abime, en difficulté, en chaloupe meme et en page pour enfin et a terme, pouvoir le remettre a la retraite d'ou il se trouvera la force apaisée et sereine méritée d'une vie multiséculaire sur toutes les plages des temps, de mener devant nous, et pour nous, de lui-meme des actions pour s'autorégénérer sans plus s'en laisser conter ~

6 juillet 2010 2 06 /07 /juillet /2010 22:32


Le rapport évident qui lie Matthew PERRY, l'aventurine, et les 68 poupées qui s'imbriquent les unes dans les autres Russes en un temps record de 2 heures bien concentrées, c'est que chacun de ces éléments de fantasque, n'a aucune connection directe ou probable, avec les 2 autres. Ce qui constitue un vrai point commun, c'est comme souvent rien de le dire.

Elliot SMITH est peut-etre, en soi, le deuxieme point commun entre tous.

Qui joue non-stop depuis ce matin, la tete dans cet album.


Il est froid, il fait tard, meme pour un mois qui commence de juillet, a l'ecouter chanter, meme mort depuis 7 ans, on peut assez aisement se plaire, soi, et, sans trop soupirer, transpirer quelques mots qui font savoir a l'animal delicat ~ un chien pourquoi pas ~ qui ressent ce genre de chose en remuant la queue qui vous observe de dessous tandis que vous composez a votre tour, des improvisations suivies, sans effet, aucun, ce que vous en aimez les nots, la voix, l'intime guitare proche, prete en bouche, chaude a l'oreille tendue et repliee sur elle-meme aussi sec.


He played himself
Didn't need me to give him hell
He could be cool and cruel to you and me
Knew we'd put up with anything
I want to hurt him
I want to give him pain
I'm a roman candle
My head is full of flames
I'm hallucinating
I hear you cry
Your tears are cheap
Wet hot red swollen cheeks
Fall asleep
I want to hurt him
I want to give him pain
I'm a roman candle
My head is full of flames
I want to hurt him
I want to hurt him
I want to hurt him
I want to give him pain
Make him feel this pretty burn



2- Condor Avenue --Z> PLAY IT ON YOUTUBE

She took the Oldsmobile out past Condor Avenue
And she locked the car and slipped past
Into rhythmic quietude
Lights burning
Voice dry and hoarse
I threw the screen door like a bastard back and forth
The chimes fell over each other
I fell onto my knees
The sound of the car driving off made me feel diseased
A sick shouting like you hear at the fairground
Now I'm picking up to put away anything of yours that's still around
I don't know what to do with your clothes or your letters
They'll make a whisper out of you
She took the Oldsmobile out past Condor Avenue
The fairground's lit
A drunk man sits by the gate she's driving through
Got his hat, tipped bottle back in between his teeth
Looks like he's buried in the sand at the beach
I can't think about you driving off to leave barely awake
To take a little nap while the road is straight
I wish that car had never been discovered
They took away the bottle and the hat he was under
That's the one thing that he could never do
And it'll make a whisper out of you
She took the Oldsmobile out past Condor Avenue
Cops were running around the scene
Looking for some kind of clue
They never get uptight when a moth gets crushed
Unless a light bulb really loved him very much
I'm lying down, blowing smoke from my cigarette
Little whisper smoke signs that you'll never get
You're in your Oldsmobile driving by the moon
Headlights burning bright ahead of you
And someone's burning out, out on Condor Avenue
Trying to make a whisper out of you
What a shitty thing to say
Did you really mean it?
You never said a word to me about what passed between us
So now I'm leaving you alone, you can do whatever the hell you want to
Na, na na na na na


8- Last call --Z> PLAY ON YOUTUBE

Last call
He was sick of it all
Asleep at home
Told you off and goodbye
Well you know one day it'll come to haunt you
That you didn't tell him quite the truth
You're a crisis
You're an icicle
You're a tongueless talker
You don't care what you say
You're a jaywalker and you just, just walk away
And that's all you do
The clap of the fading-out sound of your shoes
Made him wonder who he thought that he knew
Last call
He was sick of it all
The endless stream of reminders
Made him so sick of you sick of you sick of you
Sick of your sound
Sick of you coming around
Trying to crawl under my skin
When I already shed my best defense
It comes out all around that you won
And I think I'm all done
You can switch me off safely
While I'm lying here waiting for sleep to overtake me
Yeah yeah you're still here but just check to make sure
All you aspired to do was endure
You can't ask for more ask for more
Knowing you'll never get that which you ask for
So you cast your shadow everywhere like the man in the moon
You start to drink and just want to continue
It'll all be yesteryear soon
You start to drink and just want to continue
It'll all be yesteryear soon
Church bells and now I'm awake
And I guess it must be some kind of holiday
I can't seem to join in the celebration
But I'll go to the service
And I'll go to pray
And I'll sing the praises of my maker's name
Like I was as good as she made me
And I wanted her to tell me that she would never wake me
I wanted her to tell me that she would never wake me
I wanted her to tell me that she would never wake me
I wanted her to tell me that she would never wake me
I wanted her to tell me that she would never wake me
I wanted her to tell me that she would never wake me
I wanted her to tell me that she would never wake me
I wanted her to tell me that she would never wake me
I'm lying here waiting for sleep to overtake me


Au reveil, ce matin encore j'entends qu'on parle alentour, de ces maudits archeogasteropodes obsessionnels, compulsivement, et avec rigueur, a la maiere dont le pecheur averti en voudrait dire du poisson du lendemain. 

Dois-je l'avouer, convaincu, alors, je me suis laisse visualiser sans que quoi que ce soit me regarde vraiment.

Ca m'a plu. Honnetement.



Un mois de Juillet en perspective.




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